In July comes the Tour de France, when 200 cyclists cover a course of 2,000 miles. 7月份迎来了环法自行车赛,200名自行车选手要骑行2,000英里的赛程。
Win a trip to see the finish of the Tour de France! 赢得观看环法自行车赛最后阶段比赛之旅!
For now though, stripped of all of his tour de France titles, an Olympic bronze medal, and all of his brand sponsorships, Armstrong has hit career rock-bottom. 但目前来看,阿姆斯特朗所有环法自行车赛冠军头衔和一块奥运会铜牌都被剥夺,同时还失去了所有品牌赞助,职业生涯已经陷入谷底。
Recent Tour de France winner Floyd Landis tested positive for elevated testosterone and suspended American cyclist Tyler Hamilton is facing a new doping investigation. 最近的环法自行车赛冠军得主弗洛伊德?兰迪斯,药检时因体内睾丸激素水平升高而呈阳性,另外,悬而未决的美国自行车运动员泰勒?汉密尔顿正面临一项新的兴奋剂调查。
Lance Armstrong is a great bicycle racer, but he could not have won the Tour de France without the support and assistance of his team members. LanceArmstrong是一个伟大的赛车手,可是如果没有他的团队成员的支持,他无法获得环法自行车赛。
When Bradley Wiggins goes for gold tomorrow afternoon in the men's cycling time trial the Tour de France champion could be forgiven for checking the crowd nervously for the face of the prime minister, who is starting to get a reputation as a bit of a jinx. 如果环法自行车赛冠军布拉德利威金斯在争夺男子公路自行车个人计时赛的赛场上,紧张地环顾人群,看首相卡梅伦有没有来观战,那我们一定要原谅他,因为卡梅伦首相已开始被誉为奥运扫帚星。
His now successful bid to make it to the Tour de France meant that Ji went four years without seeing his father, and he has not seen his wife, whom he married last year, for eight months. 为了参加这次环法自行车赛,他已经四年没有见过自己的父亲,也已经八个月没见到自己的妻子了。他和妻子去年刚刚结婚。
Lance Armstrong was stripped of his record seven Tour de France titles late Thursday after he refused to fight allegations that he used performance-enhancing drugs. 阿姆斯特朗(LanceArmstrong)拒绝就有关他使用违禁药品的指控进行抗辩,之后他于周四晚间被剥夺了在环法自行车赛(TourdeFrance)上获得的全部七个冠军头衔。
Over time, I began to ride my bike less, I got jaded about the Tour de France, and Office Bike Guy began to slowly vanish from the office. 后来,我骑车开始不那么频繁了,对环法自行车赛(TourdeFrance)开始感到厌倦,办公室自行车男开始慢慢从办公室里消失。
That is the year that three-time Tour de France winner Greg LeMond thinks that EPO took over his sport. 这一年3届环法冠军得主GregLeMond认为EPO成为他比赛的焦点。LeMond在过去两年赢得比赛但在1991年只得了第七。
After English rider Tom Simpson collapsed and died during the 1967 Tour de France, amphetamines were found both in his bloodstream and in a vial tucked inside his jersey. 此后,英国自行车手TomSimpson在1967年的环法比赛上死亡,在他的血液和塞在运动衣的小瓶里也都发现了安非他命。
The charges may cost Armstrong all seven of his Tour de France titles. 这次对阿姆斯特朗的判决将取消他的7个环法冠军头衔。
The Yellow Car departed for a few days to track down the Tour de France, Red and Cherry Car stayed in Paris while the three other cars returned to Richelieu. 黄河汽车几天离开追查环法自行车赛,樱桃红和车留在巴黎,而其他三个车返回黎塞留。
Astounding, an American had won the Tour de France. 令人感到震惊地,美国人赢得了法国巡回赛。
Armstrong created the Lance Armstrong Foundation for cancer patients, and designed a yellow Livestrong wristband, the yellow for the Tour de France and'live strong ', his motto. 他为癌症病人创立了兰斯•阿姆斯特朗基金,还设计了一款黄色的Livestrong腕带。黄色代表环法自行车赛,而livestrong(坚强生活)则是他的座右铭。
When this is over I'm enter the tour de france. 等这事完了,我们就要来趟法国之旅。
And we've got an American winning the tour de france. 还有这次美国人赢了环法自行车赛。
Jeff: the biggest shock must be the1998 Tour de France cycle race. 杰夫:震动最大的一次可能要算1998年的环法自行车大赛了。
The Tour de France Was stopped for the second time this year when the riders staged another protest against the way officials are probing drug use just after starting the17th stage on Wednesday. 今年的环法自行车赛第二次被中断,星期三,在第17赛段开始的时候,车手们再次发起抗议,抗议警方调查涉嫌违用禁药人员的方式不妥。
Tour shadows: Picture shows the shadow of a cyclist on the road during the14th stage of the91st Tour de France cycling race between Carcassonne and Nimes. 比赛的痕迹:图中为一自行车选手的影子倒映在路上,这是在91届环法自行车赛,位于卡尔卡松市与尼姆市之间的第14赛段。
President Bush is getting plenty of bike time during his ranch vacation and next weekend he even gets to hit the trails with seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong. 正在得克萨斯州克劳福德农场休假的美国总统布希现在有大把大把的时间用来骑山地车。下周末,他还将和七届环法自行车赛冠军兰斯·阿姆斯特朗切磋技艺。
When will the first Chinese win the Tour de France? 什么时候才会出现第一个赢得环法自行车赛的中国人?
Every year's the Tour de France catches the whole world's attention. 每年的环法自行车赛都会吸引全世界的目光。
Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France seven times, more than any other cyclist. 环法自行车赛中赢了七次冠军,比其他任何一个单车手都要多。
Lance Armstrong also showed marked improvements in his efficiency when he returned to bicycle racing after beating cancer and that clearly helped him win the Tour de France seven times. LanceArmstrong在他战胜癌症后回到自行车赛场时,他的比赛效率也有明显的提高,这明显帮助他赢得了7次环法大赛的冠军。
Just like the tour de france, optimizing every task is often a very bad strategy. 就像环法自行车赛,优化每个任务通常是一个很糟糕的策略。
The Tour de France is the most splendid view of every summer in the host country, France. 环法自行车大赛是东道主法国每年夏天最壮丽的风景线。
The Australian cyclist Cadel Evans has won this year's Tour de France. 澳大利亚自行车选手卡德尔•埃文斯(CadelEvans)赢得了今年的环法自行车赛冠军。
The Tour de France will be stopping through this summer, inevitably turning people on to the magic of this historic little city. 环法自行车赛于今年夏天在此处结束,不可避免地将人们带入这个充满魔力的历史小城。